Rockhill Imperial

Rockhill Imperial Bulldogs

Rockhill Imperial Bulldogs. A new type of bulldog from the Aylestone kennels.

Yes, a branch of the Aylestone bulldog family has evolved! Over the years various people have suggested that we aim the Aylestone Bulldog towards K.C. recognition, and pursue a development strategy designed to change him into a show dog. A concept that I am not altogether in favour of. I don't feel that his make up, physically and mentally, lends itself lends itself to such a project. I see his robust characteristics as making him more the bulldog of the people.

However, the thought of a more svelte version of the Aylestone, of particular interest to serious breeders and owners looking for a goal driven challenge, was attractive. With the right protective boundaries I began to believe that a section of the Aylestone family could safely evolve into a show type bulldog.

Of course, it was a pointless exercise unless the new bulldog was distinctly different to other bulldogs. A difficult problem to overcome. There was also the problem of resistance from traditionalists opposed to outcrosses. Imagination solves the first problem.

As for the second, what the hell?

China's Pups available now

Every competent researcher is aware that over the years most, if not all breeds, receive infusions of fresh blood for many different reasons. Such facts of canine life are simply denied, ignored, forgotten or simply not talked about. So, why not go for it?

I cast my mind back some thirty years to the early experimental development routes that were explored and discontinued with the Aylestones up in Shetland. I remembered one that I considered had intriguing possibilities…

I now had my idea. My vision for our new bulldog. A proper bulldog is above all things essentially British in essence. So, a celebration of our Imperial past! The British Empire spanned the world and in truth took many benefits with it. Opened up all our minds. Our new bulldog is of the Empire. Dogs from the far Eastern reaches of the Empire married to the bulldog from the heartlands. East meets West! — In short, a complicated mix of Pekinese, Shar Pei and Aylestone Bulldog.

Why Pekinese and Shar Pei?

Firstly, two outcrosses instead of one because I don't believe that one cross is a genuine new breed: just a cross. Also anyone else can quickly copy it. Permutations of two outcrosses take some unravelling!

The Pekinese brings a short, cobby body, a proud tail and most importantly a short muzzle and an exuberant personality.The key and whole point of the project: the Shar Pei. The difference we were looking for: blue–black tongue, black or blue coat.

Here at the Aylestone Home kennels we have been working for a number of years on the Rockhill project.

Now at last the first puppies to be offered to the outside world are ready for their forever homes – contact us for more details.

China's first litter is available now – £500

Jerico has just been mated by Bosun so her puppies hopefully will be available in the New Year.

Contact Us

  • Rockhill Imperial Bulldogs
  • Rockhill House
  • 541 Aylestone Road
  • Leicester
  • LE2 8TD
  • 0116 244 2313